5 Reasons You Need to Get More Rest (And How Exercise Can Help)
5 Reasons You Need to Get More Rest (And How Exercise Can Help)

When you hear the phrase “physical fitness,” the word “exercise” probably comes to mind. Likely because cardio and weight (or resistance) training are part of an effective work routine.

But you might not realize getting proper rest is also an important part of physical fitness. Without ample and consistent sleep, your fitness will suffer, and your overall health is in jeopardy.

Here’s why…

Decreased Immunity

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), If you don’t get enough sleep, you’re at higher risk of infection. It also lowers your immune system’s ability to fight tumor cells and can lead to metabolic and cardiovascular disorders.

Increased Risk of Heart Disease

A study massive study reported in the European Heart Journal found that people who sleep less than 6 hours per night are far more likely to develop heart disease. And those who don’t get enough sleep on a consistent basis are also at great risk of stroke, congestive heart failure, and coronary heart disease.

Weight Gain

The correlation between lack of sleep and weight gain isn’t totally clear. But statistics definitively show people who don’t get enough sleep are more apt to be overweight than those who get proper rest.

Lower Sex Drive

When you’re tired, your body prioritizes sleep over other activities, including sex. Additionally, studies show testosterone drops (up to 15% in some cases) in men who don’t get enough sleep for prolonged time periods.

Greater Potential to Develop Diabetes

Lack of sleep reduces insulin production and decreases gluten tolerance. This can diminish your cell’s capacity to effectively manage insulin, potentially leading to diabetes.

The Connection Between Exercise + Better Quality Rest

Coming back to the realm of exercise, working out, and physical fitness – Mountains of research have also demonstrated that those who exercise regularly actually sleep better.

If you exercise for at least an hour 3-5 days a week, you’re more likely to fall asleep faster, wake up less at night, and sleep longer.

And toward that end – Working with a personal trainer can help you maintain a consistent workout routine.

If you’re interested in personal training or private Pilates instructions – Get in touch to book a session: 213.434.5550 | bobamaxx@yahoo.com

In the meantime, stay tuned for more healthful tools, tips + strategies from BOBAFIT. And visit my blog for further All-Time exercise and fitness advice: bobamax.com/blog