Where do people struggle the most to maintain a regular exercise routine? According to survey data, the number one answer is: “Not enough time.”
To keep pace with your busy schedule, you need a fast, efficient, and effective workout.
How about doing just one exercise that strengthens your entire body?
The Crab Walk is an excellent option for you!
This simple exercise (that you likely did in grade school) is perfect for all fitness levels. It incorporates compound movements by working your arms, shoulders, core, hamstrings, quads, and glutes. And it doesn’t require a gym, equipment, or special training.
Crab Walk Benefits
This self-contained exercise helps you build strength, develop balance, and increase flexibility, ultimately reducing your chances of injury by lowering stress on your ligaments and muscles.
Doing the crab walk also increases your body awareness; many people report that it has helped improve their posture.
How to do the Crab Walk in 5 Easy Steps
1 Start seated on the ground with your knees bent, your hands two inches behind you, and your fingers pointing toward your hips.
2 Lift your hips a few inches off the ground while keeping your arms straight and your knees bent.
3 Move your right foot forward as you simultaneously move your left hand forward. Repeat this movement with your left foot and right hand.
4 Keep your posture neutral; don’t arch your back or tuck your pelvis, with your shoulder blades drawn down and back gently and your chin tucked lightly while you gaze toward the floor.
5 Try for 10 reps, moving forward about 15 feet. After you master this, do 10 reps moving backward.
Stay tuned for more wellness tools, tips + strategies from BOBAFIT.
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