Whether you’re new to working out or an old pro, psyching yourself up to exercise can be a struggle. There are always demands on your time. And when you have a free moment, the allure of sleeping in a little longer or vegging out on the couch with Netflix can be irresistible.
All of which can make sacrificing your workout mighty tempting. So, how do you overcome the impulse to skip your upcoming exercise session?
Here are 5 proven strategies that can help!
1. Make a Plan
The easiest way to skip a workout is not having a formal exercise plan. Countless studies show if you go to the trouble of making a schedule, you’re more likely to follow it. The desire to achieve, guilt, and accountability are all emotions that can drive you to STICK TO YOUR SCHEDULE.
2. Hype Yourself Up
When your scheduled exercise time is approaching, GET PUMPED! Give yourself a pep talk. Call a friend to help motivate you, or even better, work out with a buddy. Also, pick some inspirational theme music and play it when you’re getting dressed to exercise or on the way to the gym. And keep listening while you’re working out.
3. Start Your Workout Slow
Often, the *idea* of working out is far worse than the reality. If you imagine a brutal weight training session or exhausting cardio workout, your desire to skip your workout soars. But if you start with the easiest exercises in your workout program and progress from there, it’s far less daunting.
4. Take Things Easy When You’re Not “Feeling it”
Even when you’ve done your best to hype yourself up, some days, your workout is a grind. Maybe you’re tired. An injury could be nagging you. Or you are just distracted by other issues in your life and can’t focus. When you’re feeling this way, rather than pushing yourself, do the bare minimum and take solace in knowing you at least made the effort.
5. Reward Yourself For The Effort
On those days you’re not feeling it, when you’ve achieved a new personal best or still managed to get a workout in despite your busy schedule, acknowledge the effort and reward yourself. Maybe not by scarfing down a dozen donuts, as that defeats some of the purpose behind exercising. But get a massage, schedule a night out with friends, or buy the item you put on your Amazon wish list.
Another great way to stick to your exercise routine is working with a personal trainer – like BobaMaxx!
If you’re interested in personal training or private Pilates instructions – Get in touch to book a session: 213.434.5550 | bobamaxx@yahoo.com