How to Stay Fit Over The Holidays
How To Stay Fit Over The Holidays

The holiday season is in full swing!

Halloween just passed by. Thanksgiving is up next week. And Christmas (Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc..) and New Year’s arrives soon after.

On the one hand, the holidays are great. Lots of time with family and friends, tons of parties, and loads of delicious food.

But on the other hand, the holiday season can be trying. A little too much time with family, an overwhelming number of social engagements, and a steady diet of unhealthy food.

While work slows down for some, many are busier than ever and saddled with holiday-driven family and social obligations.

With so much to do, your physical fitness, health, and overall well-being can suffer.

To keep on track, here are three strategies to help you stay fit, sane, and ready to face the New Year in 2024!

Don’t Sacrifice Your Workout Routine

When your calendar is overflowing with appointments, it can be tempting to skip exercising. But doing so can lower your energy level, reduce your sleep quality, and lead to weight gain.

To ensure exercise remains a priority, schedule at least 3-hour long appointments with yourself to get in a workout each week.

And protect this time by making these appointments non-negotiable. Appointments and competing obligations must be rescheduled or handled by others.

Indulge, But Don’t OVER DO IT

Family gatherings, holiday parties, and seasonal social engagements are known for serving tasty but unhealthy foods. Understandably, you want to enjoy some of these rare treats. No one wants to live a life In perpetual denial.

But overdoing it on foods that don’t properly feed your body can sap your energy, make you feel sluggish, and result in weight gain.

The best way to manage this is to pick two or three of your absolute favorites and give yourself permission to indulge – up to a limit.

If you restrict your food selections and limit your portions, you can absolutely enjoy your favorite holiday foods!

Get Plenty of Rest

Balancing work, family, and holiday demands can lead to going to bed too late, getting up too early, and generally not getting enough rest.

This can sap your energy and entice you to skip your workout. As a result, you’re likely to have even less energy, poorer-quality sleep, and potential weight gain.

To make sure you get enough rest during the holidays, create a sleep schedule:

  • Give yourself a set bedtime and stick to it!
  • If you stay up late, adjust your plans so you can sleep in later.
  • When you wake up early after a late night, force yourself to stay in bed and rest your body and mind.

Working With a Trainer Can Help You Stay Fit Over The Holidays

One method to ensure you get adequate exercise, follow a proper diet, and get enough rest is working with a personal trainer – Like BobaMaxx! Regular training sessions build a work routine into your schedule. And Boba will hold you accountable for following a healthy diet and getting sufficient rest.

And toward that end, Boba is offering a…

Holiday Special!

It’s the season of giving, so why not give yourself, your family, or your friends the gift of physical fitness?

You can! With Boba’s Special Holiday Offer: Get 3 Pilates or Personal Training sessions for just $270 (regularly priced at $415).

Be sure to jump on this offer quickly! It expires on January 30th

Call or email to BUY NOW:213.434.5550 |